Thursday, July 19, 2012

What I've Noticed So Far - The Dys. List

At this point in my blogging process, I think I have read enough dystopian novels to be able to lay out some common features of dystopian young-adult novels.  This way, I can refer back to this list as I compare the novel to each other and discuss them each individually.  I will edit the list as I continue to read if need be.

Y.A. Dystopia:

  1. Dystopian society with members who follow blindly/unknowingly.
  2. A leader/head figure who knows the dark secrets of the society.
  3. A hero/heroine who discovers these secrets and seeks to alter and expose the travesties.
  4. An emphasis on choice or the lack thereof.
  5. An ending that gives the feeling of hope for change and renewal of choice.

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